After submitting your assignments to Brightspace, your instructor will evaluate them and offer valuable feedback. To access your grades and feedback to login MySNHU, follow these steps:

Accessing Grades

From the course menu, go to the “Grades” section. Here, you’ll see a summary of your earned points and details for each assignment, including points earned, total points possible, letter grades, and any feedback your instructor has provided.

Accessing Grades

Viewing Detailed Feedback

For detailed feedback on major assignments, such as milestones or your final project, go back to the course menu and select the “Grade Details” option. Click on each assignment to see the point totals, submission links, and feedback provided by your instructor.

Viewing Detailed Feedback

Clicking “view” will show you the grading rubric for the assignment, detailing your performance on each key element.

 You’ll find checkboxes for each category and line-item feedback from your instructor in the right column. Overall feedback is provided at the bottom of the rubric.

Clicking "view" will show you the grading rubric for the assignment, detailing your performance on each key element.
Viewing Detailed Feedback

Importance of Feedback

Reviewing the feedback from your instructor is essential for succeeding in the course. It helps you pinpoint areas for improvement and refine your milestone assignments, leading to a stronger final project submission.

Contact Information

If you have any questions, feel free to contact your academic advisor or instructor. You can reach our advising team at 877-591-4723 or email them at [email protected].